loving my boho boys.

the boho boys
the bro's strolling cedar on the beach.

i heart my boho boys
i love my boho boys.

boho boys2
boho boy sandwich.

jk & cedar3
boho brother teaching nature.

me & jk
live long & prosper. we just watched Star Trek (the new film) last night. we are feeling very geeked out.

carsten & jon-erik
the boho boys on christmas at the farm...opening necklace made by my sis

jk christmas hat from me
boho brother christmas morning, wearing his hat from cedar

jk & cedar
boho brother giving cedar a puppet show

jk & cedar2
boho brother teaching cedar how to drum

Thought I'd post just a few images of Boho Boy, Boho Brother & Boho Baby...otherwise known in this space as the Boho Boys. ; ) The ones on the beach are from today. Just a few hours ago. The rest are at my parents house and at the farm during Christmas Eve & Day.

Being with these three beings of light is full of some of the most healing stuff. Such heart warming goodness to be discovered in the energy between them. They create magic when they walk side by side and I feel so protected in their love bubble when we're all together. There always seems to be a balance to our moods. When one is grumpy, the other two make them laugh, when one is tired and needs to rejuvenate, the other two work harder so they can rest. Its quite the comfy balance of yin and yang. We will miss him so when he heads back to Canada tomorrow.

So I inquired with Boho Brother about his romantic life, for those of you that left crushy comments about his darling-ness. He allowed me to share with you that "I am indeed single right now, out in the country, building a Zen home and living in my center." I told him that wouldn't help and that now my crushed out readers may find him that much more sexy. I love that the boho boys seem a wee clueless to that sort of thing. It was one of the things that attracted me most to my husband when we met. He was so unassuming about his appeal!

More images of the holidays to come...